RackForms v7.8.8
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Latest Release: Build 958 - Arpil 18th, 2023
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Sortable Page Separator

In Brief: Create divisions in your form to enhance flow and clarity.

Dependencies: none.

Hints & Tricks: Separator lines generally appear darker than text--you may want to lighten your separator elements just a touch.


Basic Attributes

Basic Attributes

Wrapper Class Name
Every field element in RackForms is wrapped in either a LI or DIV element for Sortable or Free Form page types, respectively. When you place a value in this box it becomes the class="" attribute for that wrapper. Because a wrapper encompass both the input element and wrapper, you can use this value to show and hide sections of your form.

Separator Properties


Click into the box to load the color selector. Drag your cursor over the saturation in the main box to select the color intensity, or drag the hue slider to change color.

Width (px or %)

Type a number in this box to change the width of this element. Values can be pixles or percent--in both cases you need to specify the value with the text 'px' for pixles or a percent sign for percent.


The type of separator line.

So many features, So little time